Non-Chlorine Pool Systems Bring Fewer Risks to Pool Usage

by | Aug 27, 2015 | Swimming Pools and Spas

Chlorine is a chemical that is commonly found in swimming pools. It maintains the cleanliness of pools by reducing the amounts of bacteria and algae. However, many people worry that chlorine is toxic and causes a wide range of health issues. As a result, there are non-chlorine pool systems available for more health-and-environmentally conscious people. Learn why you need one of these systems installed in your backyard.

Stings and Tingling Sensations

Right when you get into a pool, you notice the presence of chlorine. Your eyes water, your nose feels tingly and all of your sinuses become inflamed. Some people cannot spend too long in the water because they can only swim in chlorine for certain periods of time. If you have sensitive skin, you may develop a rash or itching. All of these sensations will quickly disappear when you step out of the pool.

Difficulty Breathing

You may feel uncomfortable and dizzy in an enclosed pool area. If you do not allow air into the area, expect the chlorine gas to rise and collect in the air. This congestion makes it difficult to breathe and function. One solution is to maintain the proper ventilation of the pool environment, which provides enough room for the gas to escape.

Sensitivity to Poisoning

Some people are oversensitive to strong chemicals, so if they consume too much of it by nose or mouth, they develop a host of symptoms. It is possible to burn your throat and damage your lungs by ingesting too much of this chemical. You may develop stomach problems or start to vomit if exposed to too much.

In the past, chlorine was used as a powerful weapon during World War I and various civil wars. The gas is known to sting the throat and sinuses. In the body, the gas can combine with water to create hydrochloric acid. You may not die from ingesting chlorine gas at a pool, but it will irritate your system at the least.

Treat this problem immediately by washing the chlorine off of the skin or ingesting large amounts of water. Water is a neutral substance that will flush the chlorine right out.

Not every swimmer can tolerate the smell and taste of chlorine. Small amounts of chlorine are fine, but the large amounts found in swimming pools are not safe. The more you swim in this type of pool, the more likely you develop health problems. That is why so many have companies have created chlorine alternatives that target health-sensitive people. These products do not kill bacteria in the same way that chlorine does, but they still get the job done. You want to analyze all of the non-chlorine pool systems out there and find the right solution for you.

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